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Changing the styling of a remote theme

One of the reasons for creating a GitHub Pages website is to be able to pick a theme that already has the styling you want and avoid coding CSS yourself. However, sometimes a theme may be almost exactly what you want but needs a slight tweek to the styling, such as changing the default font or colors for the theme.

For example, this website is built using the built-in theme Leap Day. However, if you look at [the theme preview], you will see that there are a number of changes that have been made to the theme – most obviously the theme colors and font.

Here is a simple homepage using the Leap Day theme that I’ll use in the following examples:

bare bones Leap Day homepage

Modifying the default stylesheet

The exact way to change the CSS depends on how complicated the theme is. The default styles are typically in a directory called _sass. There may be a number of files within that directory having .scss file extensions, so it can be a challenge to figure out which one to change. In the case of the Leap Day theme, there are relatively few in the _sass directory and the one that actually controlls things is jekyll-theme-leap-day.scss.

To override the defaults, I add CSS code to a file in the /assets/css/ directory. In the case of Leap Day, there is only one file: style.scss, so the choice is easy.

The file as it currently stands has very little code in it:


@import 'jekyll-theme-leap-day';

I’ll download a copy of it locally in the same directory structure.

location of downloaded scss file

then edit it using my code editor. You can use the “inspect” feature of your browser to figure out what part of the CSS controls the different sections of the page. Once you’ve identified the HTML element you need to change, click on the element name and look in the CSS description for that element to see what setting needs to be changed. In most browsers, you can check or uncheck a box to turn settings on and off.

In this case, I see that the header element is the top bar with a level 1 (h1) header, and the #banner is the yellow bar below it. I can change their colors like this:

change default colors

I chose the Vanderbilt brand colors black (#000000) and gold (#D8AB4C). After pushing the changes and reloading the page, the colors have changed.

homepage rendered with new colors

If you want to change a value, you can set a new value in this file and it will override the defaults. However, if you want to remove a setting entirely, you need to use an unset value. For example, I think the font used in the body is hard to read. I can unset the font and leave it to the browser default, then change the font color to black using this CSS:

body {
    font: unset;
    color: #000000;

Now the page looks like this:

homepage rendered with plain black font

The entire CSS file now looks like this:


@import 'jekyll-theme-leap-day';

body {
    font: unset;
    color: #000000;

header {   
    background: #000000; 
    h1 {
        color: #D8AB4C;

#banner { 
    background: #D8AB4C;

Finding the right file to change and digging into the CSS is not for the faint of heart. But if you can get help from someone with a little web design experience, it’s possible to make small changes like this.


In some cases, the theme developers make it easy for you to customize the appearance of the theme by providing pre-set themes. A theme is a selectable style that can easily be switched by a simple configuration change. Here is an example from the theme Hamilton:

skin examples from Hamilton theme

I will switch to this theme by changing the theme designation in my _config.yml file to

remote_theme: zivong/jekyll-theme-hamilton
title: Test website

and adding a website title. The Hamilton theme is interesting because it changes the skin dynamically depending on the time of day. Here’s how it renders in the morning with the skin sunrise:

Hamilton sunrise skin

To set a specific skin, change the setting in _config.yml. For example, to use the skin midnight, add:

skin: midnight

Here’s how it looks after the change:

Hamilton midnight skin

According to the instructions on the GitHub site, you can change the skin by creating a copy of an existing skin under a different name and then changing colors as desired. I created a directory called skins in the path /docs/_sass/hamilton/skins/, downloaded the midnight skin, and changed its name to pinky.scss.

path to skins directory

I went to the W3Schools HTML Color Picker and clicked on Fuchsia, which has the code #ff00ff. I then edited the $background-color value in the pinky.scss file:

change background to pink

In _config.yml I changed the skin setting to:

skin: pinky

and pushed the changed files to GitHub. Now the homepage looks like this:

homepage with pink background

Probably needs a bit of work to be readable, but you get the idea.

Not every theme will make it this easy to customize its style. But by carefully examining the documentation on the theme’s GitHub page, you should have a pretty good idea of how much customization is possible with the theme.

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Revised 2022-02-23

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License: CC BY 4.0.
Credit: "Vanderbilt Libraries Digital Lab -"