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Linked Data Working Group

A working group of the Digital Scholarship and Scholarly Communications Office of the Vanderbilt Heard Libraries.

LDWG Projects

Past projects

Fall 2015. Learning SPARQL

graph diagram

This semester we centered our sessions around the book “Learning SPARQL” by Bob DuCharme. Some random notes and PowerPoints are here.

Spring 2016. The Semantic Web

OWL example

We learned about the Semantic Web by working through the book “Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist” by Allemang and Hendler. Some random notes and PowerPoints are here. We also played around with the Stardog graph database and SPARQL endpoint.

Fall 2016. Turning spreadsheets into Linked Data: Traditional Chinese Architecture

(c) 2017 Tracy G. Miller CC BY-NC

One of our projects this semester was to look at how data in several spreadsheets could be turned into Linked Data, then used to create an interactive web page built on queries of the data.

Read a blog post about the project.

Play with a web page built on the data.

Play with the raw data and graph model at our SPARQL endpoint.

Spring 2017. Modeling a cultural heritage dataset: Music and Vase-painting (and we set up a SPARQL endpoint!)

SPARQL diagram

Links to notes from the semester.

Notes about how we set up the web server that hosts the SPARQL endpoint.

Visit the SPARQL endpoint and view its user guide.

Fall 2017. Modeling people, works, and institutions: ULAN, the NY Public Library database, Vanderbilt peopel and their publications.

graph model
Graph model based on the New York Public Library dataset.

Do-it-yourself exercise to turn several CSV tables into Linked Data using Guid-O-Matic

Spring 2018. Wikidata, Vanderbilt people, etc.

SPARQL diagram
Wikidata example query from

Some notes, more notes, and various XQuery and Python scripts we used.

Fall 2018. Structured Data and Visualization

Ozymandias diagram
Image from Rod Page’s Ozymandias Biodiversity Knowledge Graph

Meeting notes