Digital Education Resources - Vanderbilt Libraries Digital Lab

Note: this is the third lesson in a beginner’s introduction to Python. For the whole schedule, see the Vanderbilt Python Working Group homepage

previous lesson on basics of Python structure

The examples in this lesson can be run in a Google Colaboratory notebook. A Google account is required. Click on this link, then if necessary, click on “Open with Google Colaboratory”. From the file menu select Save a copy in Drive.... That will create a copy of the notebook that you can run, edit, and save. You may have to enable popups in order for the copy to open in a new tab.

If you are interested in using Jupyter notebooks, the examples are available in this notebook.

The presentation for this lesson is here

Answers for last week’s challenge problems:

  1. GUI Disney Checker
  2. basic text-based Webpage Checker / advanced text-based Webpage Checker / advanced GUI Webpage Checker
  3. text-based Latte Maker / GUI Latte Maker with “Surprise Me!” button


Comments should be used liberally within your code to help later users (including yourself!) understand what the parts of the code do. Comments begin with a hash character # and all text following that character on the same line is ignored. Here is an example:

count = 15
# the next line increments the counter
count = count + 1

You can also place comments following regular commands on the same line:

pi = 3.14159 # this is the first 6 digits of pi
r = 2.0
area = pi*r**2 # double asterisk is the power operator in Python

Python doesn’t really have an official way to “comment out” multiple lines of text, although some programmers use multiline string docstring syntax (triple single-quotes) to achieve this. For example:

text = prefix + suffix
print('The whole text is: ' + text)

However, using consecutive single-line comments is favored in the Python style guide (see here for more details). Good Python code editors will have a feature to comment out a block of highlighted lines. In Thonny, see “Comment Out” in the Edit menu. In VS Code, see “Toggle Line Comment” in the Edit menu. In Atom, see “Toggle Comments” in the Edit menu.

Object Oriented Programming in Python

In the last lesson, we used the procedural programming paradigm to write code. In this lesson, we will use the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. (For another helpful description of this topic, see this web page.)

Classes and instances

In Python object-oriented programming, in addition to the built-in objects that come with Python, we can create our own user-defined objects. To accomplish that, we define a class of objects. A class is a generic type of thing. We can then generate instances of that class. An instance is an individual occurrence of that class.

For example, we can define a class of cartoon ducks, callded Duck. Particular instances of that class would be Donald Duck, Daffy Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey, Louie, etc. The process of creating an instance of a class is called instantiation.

It is conventional to use upper camel case (capitalizing the first concatenated word in the object name) for class names, for example VehiclesWithWheels. Names of instances are typically given in lower camel case, for example myBeatUpChevy.

In Python, an instance can be assigned to a variable using the = operator. Here is an example:

myBeatUpChevy = VehiclesWithWheels()

We could say that we have instantiated the VehiclesWithWheels class and assigned the instance to a variable called myBeatUpChevy.


One of the advantages of defining our own objects in Python is that we can associate other characteristics with the object. Those characteristics will “travel” with the object as it flows through different parts of the script. One characteristic is called an attribute. An attribute is essentially a variable that can be linked to a class. Particular instances of that class have particular values for that variable.

The notation used in Python is to link an attribute name to the name of instance it describes using a period (dot). If the Duck class has attributes name, company, and nemesis, the respective attribute values for the myDuck instance of the Duck class would be written as,, and myDuck.nemesis.

Here is a code example that creates an instance of the Duck class with default name, company, and nemesis values. The user is then given an opportunity to change the values of any of these attributes (or press Enter/Return to leave them at their defaults). The code also defines a function that prints out a description of a particular instance of Duck. Notice that the Duck object can be passed as a single unit into the function. Within the function, the values of the name, company, and nemesis attributes for that particular duck can be known even though they weren’t passed into the function as separate variables.

First Duck creation example (no parameters):

# define Duck class (don't worry about how this part works)
class Duck:
    def __init__(self):
        # set Duck object attributes with default values = "default name" = "a generic company"
        self.nemesis = "an unknown enemy"

# Duck printing function. Takes a single Duck instance as an argument
def printDuck(duck):
    print('My name is ' + + ' Duck. I work for ' + + '. My nemesis is ' + duck.nemesis +'.')

# instantiate a Duck instance
myDuck = Duck()


# get Duck attributes from user input
name = input("What's the duck's name? ")
if name != '': = name

company = input('Who does the duck work for? ')
if company != '': = company

nemesis = input("Who is the duck's nemesis? ")
if nemesis != '':
    myDuck.nemesis = nemesis

# print information about the Duck instance

In the instantiation statement:

myDuck = Duck()

there is nothing inside the parentheses of Duck(). This essentially instantiates a generic duck that has default attributes. If we want to change the value of the duck’s attributes, we have to set each of them manually.

Here is a variation of the previous example. However, in this code, when we instantiate a duck, we have the option to set its attributes by including arguments within the parentheses of Duck().

Second Duck creation example (pass attributes as arguments):

# define Duck class (don't worry about how this part works)
class Duck:
    def __init__(self, n='default name', co='a generic company', enemy='an unknown enemy'):
        # set Duck object attributes with values from parameters = n = co
        self.nemesis = enemy

# Duck printing function. Takes a single Duck instance as an argument
def printDuck(myDuck):
    print('My name is ' + + ' Duck. I work for ' + + '. My nemesis is ' + myDuck.nemesis +'.')

# instantiate four Duck instances
firstDuck = Duck('Donald', 'Disney', 'Mickey Mouse')
secondDuck = Duck('Daffy', 'Warner Brothers', 'Elmer Fudd')
thirdDuck = Duck('Roger', 'Wile E. Coyote')
genericDuck = Duck()

# print some stuff about the ducks
print('secondDuck company: ' +
print('thirdDuck company: ' +
print('My name is ' + + ' Duck. My friend ' + + ' hates ' + secondDuck.nemesis)

Try this

Why is the value of not what we want? Delet the print statements in lines 20-22. Replace them with


Replace firstDuck with the other duck names. What does the printDuck() function produce for genericDuck?

Third Duck creation example (pass attributes as key/value pairs):

There is one more common way to specify attribute values when an object is instantiated. In that method, attribute key/value pairs are included inside the parentheses. The key/value pairs can be listed in any order and often if an attribute is omitted, it’s assigned a default value.

# define Duck class (don't worry about how this part works)
class Duck:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # set Duck object attributes with default values
   = kwargs['name']
   = 'default name'

   = kwargs['company']
   = 'a generic company'

            self.nemesis = kwargs['nemesis']
            self.nemesis = 'an unknown enemy'

# Duck printing function. Takes a single Duck instance as an argument
def printDuck(myDuck):
    print('My name is ' + + ' Duck. I work for ' + + '. My nemesis is ' + myDuck.nemesis +'.')

# instantiate four Duck instances
firstDuck = Duck(name='Donald', company='Disney', nemesis='Mickey Mouse')
secondDuck = Duck(name='Daffy', company='Warner Brothers', nemesis='Elmer Fudd')
thirdDuck = Duck(name='Roger', nemesis='Wile E. Coyote')
genericDuck = Duck()

print('secondDuck company: ' +
print('thirdDuck company: ' +
print('My name is ' + + ' Duck. My friend ' + + ' hates ' + secondDuck.nemesis + '!')

Try this

Why is the result here different from the last example? Use the printDuck() function to explore the attributes of the ducks as you did last time.

Python code in the wild will include examples of setting attributes in all three of these ways (directly by assignment, by passing values at instantiation, and by passing key/value pairs at instantiation).


The second important characteristic of a user-defined object is a method. A method is esentially a function that is associated with the class. When a method is evaluated for an instance of the class, the result depends on the state of the instance at the time.

A method associated with an object can return a value. However, a method can also just do something without actually returning anything. The method often does something to the object itself, such as changing the state of the object.

In Python, the notation for methods is to write the method name following the name of the instance, separated by a period (dot). In this way, it’s similar to the notation used for attributes, except that a method name is always followed by parentheses. For example, if the VehiclesWithWheels class has a method changeOil(), when the method is applied to the myBeatUpChevy instance, we would write it as myBeatUpChevy.changeOil().

The following example defines a Poem object, which has the attributes title, text, and language (all strings). The text attribute is a single string for the whole poem and it is divided into lines and stanzas. The end of each line is indicated by a newline character, expressed in Python as \n (a single character, even though it is written as a \ and a n). A newline character is what we might call a “hard return” in other contexts. The end of each stanza is indicated by two consecutive newline characters (i.e. creating a blank line between the lines of each stanza.)

We have defined four methods for Poem objects:

  1. The lines() method returns the number of lines in the poem.
  2. The words() method returns the number of words in the poem.
  3. The stanzas() method returns the number of stanzas in the poem.
  4. The abuse() method does not return anything. Instead, it allows you to abuse the text of the poem by replacing any word or phrase in the poem (and its title) with any other word or phrase. The new text replaces the previous text attribute of the poem object. This method takes two arguments. The first argument is the string to be replaced and the second argument is the replacement string.

So if the Poem instance majaAngelu27 had 278 words, evaluating

wordCount = majaAngelu27.words()

would set the value of wordCount to the integer 278. If we use the abuse() method on the beowulf instance of the Poem class to replace the word “Grendel” with the phrase “my little yellow puppy” in the poem’s text, we would write

boewulf.abuse('Grendel','my little yellow puppy')

You can paste the following code ( into your favorite editor or IDE to experiment with Poem objects. Don’t worry about how the Poem class is defined. The code also includes assignment of the text of Robert Frost’s poem “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” to the variable frostText. You can use it in your experimenting. The section of code following the instantiation of stupidPoem explores the attributes and methods that apply to Poem objects. Run the code as-is and think about how it causes the output that you see.

import copy # import the copy module from the standard library

# define Poem class (don't worry about how this part works)
class Poem():
    def __init__(self):
        # instantiate the poem object with default values
        self.text = "The woods is down;\nthey built a town.\nThis is my text by default.\nSo now I must come to a halt!"
        self.title = "Stopping by town where woods used to be"
        self.language = "en"
    # define the methods
    def lines(self):
        textString = self.text
        noStanzas = textString.replace('\n\n','\n')
        lines = noStanzas.split('\n')
        return lines
    def words(self):
        textString = self.text
        lines = textString.split()
        return lines
    def stanzas(self):
        textString = self.text
        stanzas = textString.split('\n\n')
        return stanzas
    def abuse(self, inWord, outWord):
        textString = self.text
        self.text = textString.replace(inWord, outWord)
        titleString = self.title
        self.title = titleString.replace(inWord, outWord)

# In celebration of "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" coming out of copyright!!!
frostText = 'Whose woods these are I think I know.\nHis house is in the village though;\nHe will not see me stopping here\nTo watch his woods fill up with snow.\n\n'
frostText = frostText + 'My little horse must think it queer\nTo stop without a farmhouse near\nBetween the woods and frozen lake\nThe darkest evening of the year.\n\n'
frostText = frostText + 'He gives his harness bells a shake\nTo ask if there is some mistake.\nThe only other sound’s the sweep\nOf easy wind and downy flake.\n\n'
frostText = frostText + 'The woods are lovely, dark and deep,\nBut I have promises to keep,\nAnd miles to go before I sleep,\nAnd miles to go before I sleep.'

# instantiate a Poem instance
stupidPoem = Poem()

# play around with the attributes and methods
print('Here are the lines:')
print('Number of words:')

moreStupidPoem = copy.deepcopy(stupidPoem) # need to use deepcopy function to actually make a copy rather than a reference
moreStupidPoem.title = 'Enjoying the odor of the woods'
moreStupidPoem.abuse('woods', 'swamp')


Note that a method can be applied in the same line as the instantiation. For example, if we want to change the default text as we create a poem instance, we can say:

modifiedPoem = Poem().abuse('I', 'we')

Technical note: When you assign a user-defined object to another variable, by default Python simply creates a reference to source object. In order to force Python to actually make a separate copy of the object, use the deepcopy() function from the copy module as shown in line 50. If you want to see why this matters, change line 50 to

moreStupidPoem = stupidPoem

and try running the program again.

Try this

In line 51, there is an equals sign, but in line 52 there isn’t. What is different about what’s going on in those two lines? Predict what would happen to the title of the poem if lines 51 and 52 were switched? Predict, then switch them and run the program again.

Examining the GUI code

For several projects, we’ve used some template code to generate a graphical interface. That code forms the first part of the GUI Latte Maker answer to challenge problem 3 from last week. Let’s look at some of the code to see places where objects have been created. The Tkinter (from “interface toolkit”) package is a part of the standard Python library for building GUI interfaces. In line 12, we see a case of creating an instance of the Tk class (a graphical window) with default properties (no arguments listed), and in line 13, the name of the window is set by the title() method.

root = Tk()
root.title("Latte maker")

In line 14, a Frame object was instantiated. (The Frame class definition is in the ttk module of the tkinter package, so it had to be specified in full as ttk.Frame.) The containing window (root) was passed as an argument and the padding attribute was set using a key/value pair (passing by argument and key/value pair can be mixed in the same parentheses).

mainframe = ttk.Frame(root, padding="3 3 12 12")

There are a bunch of other objects that are instantiated to create all of the Labels, text Entry boxes, and Buttons that are present on the form. Here is an example of a text input box from line 44:

fourthInputBox = ttk.Entry(mainframe, width = 60, textvariable = StringVar())

In this example, as the Entry is instantiated, it’s containing frame is passed as an argument, the width attribute is passed as a key/value pair where the value is an integer, and the textvariable attribute is passed as a key/value pair where the value is an instantiated StringVar object.

Try this

Copy the latte maker code from the Github Raw file and paste it into your editor. Try running it, then click the X to close the GUI. In line 33, change the default input box value from soy to skim. The marketing department does not like fat as the adjective for whole milk. Change line 79 so that the whole milk adjective is healthy. Also change the text of the surpriseMeButton to something other than Surprise me! in line 57. Try running the program to see how your changes affect the GUI.

Homework problem

Abusing Robert Frost Now that “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is in the public domain, we can use it in any creative way we want. Modify the code to do the following:

a. Create a Poem instance and assign frostText to its text attribute.

b. Assign “Stopping by woods on a snowy evening” to the title attribute of your poem.

c. Abuse the poem by changing “horse” to “dragon”.

d. Further abuse the poem by changing “woods” to “lava flows”.

e. Print the title and text of the revised poem.

Challenge problem

Answer in next week’s lesson

Adding scrolled text to the GUI code

One of the deficiencies of the Latte Maker app (and all of the other programs in which we’ve used the GUI code) is that it allows input through the GUI, but only prints output to the Python shell console. It would be nice to have the output right on the app.

Add a scrolling text object to the bottom of the GUI Latte Maker answer from last week.

Tkinter has a ScrolledText object that can be added to a frame to output text in a scrolling text box. It’s in its own module, so you need to add

import tkinter.scrolledtext as tkst

at the top of the code. To instantiate the scrolling text box, pass attributes shown below. Replace what’s inside the curly brackets with appropriate values; width of 50 and height of 10 are a good place to start

tkst.ScrolledText(master = {name of frame variable}, width  = {characters as an integer}, height = {characters as an integer})

Here’s an example with appropriate replacement values:

scrollingTextBox = tkst.ScrolledText(master = mainframe, width  = 50, height = 10)

Use the grid method of the ScrolledText class to place the scrolling text box in the appropriate position on the grid. Leave the padx and pady values as they are. For the Latte Maker, use column 4 and row 17 (the “Surprise me!” button is in row 16).

grid(column={position as an integer}, row={position as an integer}, padx=8, pady=8)

The insert method of the ScrolledText class adds new text to the box. To put new text at the end, use END as the first attribute.

insert(END, {text string to insert})

When you create the scrolling text object, use the insert method to insert the initial text: Order record:\n\n.

The final method, see needs to be applied after adding text in order to get the text to automatically scroll up so that the text at the end is visible.


Replace the print statements in lines 103 and 111 with the insert and see methods applied to your ScrolledText object.

next lesson on data structures in Python

Homework Answer

Here’s a link to all of the code.

# The first part of the script is the same as lines 1-32 in the example

myPoem = Poem()
myPoem.text = frostText
myPoem.title = 'Stopping by woods on a snowy evening'
myPoem.abuse('horse', 'dragon')
myPoem.abuse('woods', 'lava flows')

Revised 2019-09-20

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Credit: "Vanderbilt Libraries Digital Lab -"